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Clickable Buttons In Animated Timeline With Negative Z-index

At a glance

Hi there!
I'm trying to make this button clickable in the animated timeline component. The section has to have a z-index -4 and is therefore blocking the click. How can I keep this negative z-index but still have clickable buttons?
Here is my read-only link



Elements with negative z-index are not clickable, but there is a solution to maintain the timeline animation while keeping buttons clickable.

Here are the steps:
Set the Background Image Wrapper z-index to 0 instead of negative values
Set the Background Overlay z-index to 1 and add pointer-events: none
Set the Background Image z-index to 0
Make sure any elements (like text or buttons) that need to be clickable are set to position relative with a z-index higher than 1

If your content is nested inside a full-screen padding global element, add this CSS:
.padding-global {
pointer-events: none;
.padding-global * {
pointer-events: auto;

This solution allows you to maintain the visual hierarchy while ensuring all interactive elements remain clickable.

@Audrey Pogu where did you grab this timeline component? Can you link me to the component directly? Thanks

@Audrey Pogu okay I was afraid of that.

Not sure which plan you are on, but are you able to copy any of our more recent timeline components or no?

These updated timelines don't require too much messing around with z-index and are a bit more cross-browser friendly and stable

Thanks @Amir Malik for your time—I tried to play around with this based no luck! Thanks a lot anyways

@Matt ok, that's why I was confused when I couldn't see it in the timeline component list. I have a paid plan so I'll be able to migrated to "official" and updated ones. 🙂 Thanks!

@Audrey Pogu okay sounds good, let me know if you run into any issues.

@Audrey Pogu ooh sad to hear no luck , let me know if i can solve on your behalf and have you follow @Matt tips

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