I noticed, when swapping out images in Banner 15 that they don’t show.I headed over to the components library to see if I missed something and when previewing Banner 15 the images inbetween ALSO don’t show: https://www.relume.io/preview?cid=uncommon-components-2/section_banner15
I’ve tried different browsers. Attached two screenshots. In one of them you can see the placeholders, how it’s supposed to look like. In the other you can see what the actual preview looks like.
It’s the same on the page I’m trying to build allthough the images only disappear, if I try to add my own. Other then that, the placeholder images are shown.
Great catch thank you ! Can you please investigate here for us? Thank you!
Maxime, did you end up resolving this or would you like a hand with the fix? 🙂 Off the top of my head, have you tried setting the images to not shrink or grow?